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Kotlin Basics

Basic Programs

Basic Programs

This section explains the basics of Kotlin Programming Language like Hello World Program, Commenting in Kotlin, a short review on variables and more.

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Kotlin Data Types

Kotlin Data Types

This section explains the various data types in Kotlin. Each data type is defined properly and syntax is mentioned with a proper example of the same and sample output.

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Kotlin Operators

Kotlin Operators

This section explains clearly about the operators in Kotlin. There are 17 different operators. They are Arithmetic Operators (Mathematical Operators), Assignment Operators and Augmented assignment Operators, Unary Operators (Sign, Inverts, Increment, and Decrement), Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Equality Operators (==, !=) and Referential equality Operators (===, !==), Comparison Operators (<, >, <=, >=), In Operator, is and !is Operators, Cast Operators - Unsafe (as) and Safe (as?) cast Operators, Indexed access Operator [, ], Invoke Operator (invoke()), not-null assertion Operator (!!) , safe call operator (?.), Elvis Operator (?:), Reference Operator (::) (member reference or a class reference), Range Operator (..)

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Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements

This section depicts the usage of Conditional statements in Kotlin. It also contains topics like if, when, break, continue and return which are the keys to Conditional statements. Every topic is described with syntax, an example program and sample output.

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Kotlin Input and Output

Kotlin Input and Output

This section explains how inputs can be declared and how inputs are obtained from the user. This section also demonstrates how outputs can be printed and displayed

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Kotlin Looping and Controls

Kotlin Looping and Controls

This section explains Flow Control in Kotlin. Flow Control takes place using for Loop, While Loop, When statement or expression and Break statement.

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Kotlin Functions

Kotlin Functions

This section clearly demonstrates about what functions are all about. It also explains the use of functions, declaring functions, passing parameters to a function and also returning a value from a function with definitions examples and sample outputs.

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