If Expression in Kotlin
If Expression Definition
- In Kotlin, if is an expression, it returns a value based on condition.
- Which is equivalent to the ternary operator for other languages. In Kotlin there is no ternary operator (condition ? then: else).
// As expression
val varibale = if (condition) value1 else value1
For example,
val maximum = if(num1>num1) num1 else num2
If expression Example Program
// If Expression Kotlin example program
// Conditional Statements Kotlin Programs, Basic Kotlin Programs
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var num1 = 5
var num2 = 10
//If Expression returns Maximum Value
val maximum = if(num1>num1) num1 else num2
println("Maximum Value : $maximum")
Sample Output
Maximum Value : 10
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