- "when" replaces the switch statement in Java. It checks for a series of conditions. The else part is mandatory.
- "when" expression assigns the value from the first satisfied condition to a variable.
- This can be used with or without arguments.
- In addition to constants, expressions can also be used as conditions.
- When no condition is satisfied, the value in the else block is returned.
Types of when Usage in Kotlin
- "when" - Switching cases
- "when" without argument - Replacement for if else if
- Combined Cases in when
- Combined Conditions in when
- Arbitrary expressions as branch conditions
- Ranging Cases within or !in
- Check values with is or !is (Smart casting check)
1. "when" - Switching cases
value1 -> //Block of code
value2 -> //Block of code
value3 -> //Block of code
else ->//Block of code
For example,
var num = when(x){
"/" -> a/b
"*" -> a*b
else -> 0
2. "when" without argument - Replacement for if else if
value1 -> //Block of code
number1 -> //Block of code
string1 -> //Block of code
else -> //Block of code
For example,
var str = when {
//Expressions can also be added as condition
num == 5 -> "Five"
else -> println("Invalid")
3. Combined Cases in when
when (number){
number1, number2 -> //Block of code
number3,number4 -> //Block of code
else -> //Block of code
For example,
var result = when (number) {
//Expressions can also be added as condition
1,2 -> "One or Two"
3,4 -> "three or Four"
else -> "Invalid"
4. Combined Conditions in when
when {
condition1 || condition2 -> //Block of code
condition3 || condition4 -> //Block of code
else -> //Block of code
For example,
var str = when {
//Expressions can also be added as condition
value.contains("#") || value.contains("*") -> "Hash or Asterick"
value.contains("<") || value.contains(">") -> "Less than or Greater than"
else -> println("Invalid")
5. Arbitrary expressions as branch conditions
condition1 -> //Block of code
condition2 -> //Block of code
condition3 -> //Block of code
else -> //Block of code
For example,
var str = when{
//Expressions can also be added as condition
value.contains("#") -> "Hash"
value.contains("*") -> "Asterick"
num==5 -> "Five"
else -> println("Invalid")
6. Ranging Cases with in or !in
when (num) {
in range -> //Block of Code
!in range -> //Block of Code
else -> //Block of Code
For example,
var str = when (num) {
in 100..200 -> "Between 100 and 200"
!in 300..400 -> "Not between 300 and 400"
else -> "INVALID"
7. Check values with is or !is (Smart casting check)
when (num) {
is condition -> //Block of Code
!is condition -> //Block of Code
else -> //Block of Code
For example,
var str = when (value) {
is String -> "The value is a String"
else -> "INVALID"
When Expression Example Program in Kotlin
// When Expression Kotlin example program
// Conditional Statements Kotlin Programs, Basic Kotlin Programs
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var value1 = "QWERTY#"
var num = 5
var value = when{
//This condition will not be satisfied
value1.contains("*") -> "Asterick"
//This condition will be satisfied and returned
value1.contains("#") -> "Hash"
//This condition will not be checked
num.equals(5) -> "Five"
else -> "Invalid"
//Printing the result from when expression
println("The value from when expression is : $value")
Sample Output
The value from when expression is : Hash