Unary Operators (Sign, Inverts, Increment, and Decrement) in Kotlin

Unary Operator Types

Kotlin has 5 Unary Operators similar to Java. They are

  • Unary Plus Operator (+)
  • Unary Minus Operator (-)
  • Unary Inversion Operator (!)
  • Increment Operator (++)
  • Decrement Operator (--)


1. Unary Plus Operator

A number without a sign is positive number in general and hence adding a "+" will not change the value of a number

var variable_one = +variable_two

For example,

var sum = +2

2. Unary Minus Operator

This operator changes the sign of value.

var variable_one = -variable_two

For example,

var sub = -5

3. Unary Inversion Operator

var variable_one = !variable_two

For example,

var mul = !value

4. Increment Operator

  • Increment Operator can be a pre-Increment Operator or post_Increment Operator. 
  • Pre-Increment Operator is mentioned by '++a'. When this operation is done, the value of a variable is incremented by one abruptly.
  • Post-Increment Operator is mentioned by 'a++'. When this operation is done, the value of a variable is incremented by one after the operation is done. ie., Only while performing the next operation, the incremented value will be used. 
//Pre-Increment Operator
var variable_one = ++variable_two
//Post-Increment Operator
var variable_one = variable_two++

For example,

//Pre-Increment Operator
var num = ++10
//Post-Increment Operator
var num = 10++

5. Decrement Operator

  • Decrement Operator can be a pre-Decrement Operator or post_Decrement Operator. 
  • Pre-Decrement Operator is mentioned by '++a'. When this operation is done, the value of a variable is decremented by one abruptly.
  • Post-Decrement Operator is mentioned by 'a++'. When this operation is done, the value of a variable is decremented by one after the operation is done. ie., Only while performing the next operation, the decremented value will be used. 
//Pre-Decrement Operator
var variable_one = --variable_two
//Post-Decrement Operator
var variable_one = variable_two--

For example,

//Pre-Decrement Operator
var num = --10
//Post-Decrement Operator
var num = 10--

Unary Operator Example Program in Kotlin

//Unary Operator Example Program in Kotlin
//Operator Kotlin Programs, Basic Kotlin Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var number = 50
    var boolValue = true
    var num1 = 10;
    var num2 = 100;
    var num3 = 1000;
    var num4 = 10000;

    //Unary Minus Operation
    val minus = -(number)
    println("The value $number after Unary Minus Operation is $minus")

    //Unary Inversion Operation
    val value = !boolValue
    println("The value $boolValue after Unary Minus Operation is $value")

    //Post-Increment Operation
    println("\nPost-Increment Operation")
    println("Value to be used for Post-Increment Operation is $num1")
    //This will print the same as original value as the value will be incremented only during the next operation
    println("Value after Post-Increment Operation is ${num1++}")

    //Pre-Increment Operation
    println("\nPre-Increment Operation")
    println("Value to be used for Pre-Increment Operation is $num2")
    //This will print the incremented value as the operation takes place abruptly
    println("Value after Post-Increment Operation is ${++num2}")

    //Post-Decrement Operation
    println("\nPost-Decrement Operation")
    println("Value to be used for Post-Decrement Operation is $num3")
    //This will print the same as original value as the value will be decremented only during the next operation
    println("Value after Post-Decrement Operation is ${num3--}")

    //Pre-Decrement Operation
    println("\nPre-Decrement Operation")
    println("Value to be used for Pre-Decrement Operation is $num4")
    //This will print the decremented value as the operation takes place abruptly
    println("Value after Post-Decrement Operation is ${--num4}")

Sample Output

The value 50 after Unary Minus Operation is -50
The value true after Unary Minus Operation is false

Post-Increment Operation
Value to be used for Post-Increment Operation is 10
Value after Post-Increment Operation is 10

Pre-Increment Operation
Value to be used for Pre-Increment Operation is 100
Value after Post-Increment Operation is 101

Post-Decrement Operation
Value to be used for Post-Decrement Operation is 1000
Value after Post-Decrement Operation is 1000

Pre-Decrement Operation
Value to be used for Pre-Decrement Operation is 10000
Value after Post-Decrement Operation is 9999